Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lambing Seson

Lambing season is officially over for 2015.  We began the first week of February and ended mid March.  With the small flock we like to go start to finish in 20 days. Not the case. We had two ewes that due to summer injuries we introduced to the ram late and then one ewe just lambed extra late for us.

This year we dealt with several new issues. the most stressful was a full blown prolapse. The young lady had to have a prolapse retainer and harness. This lasted several weeks.  She appeared to be ready to lamb for some time with a very swollen utter, but she took her time. Luckily, my wife was around to remove the harness when she went into labor. They say a ewe can lamb around the retainer but the preference is to remove it.

It was also the year for an abundance of rams. The final count was 21 rams to 5 ewes. One previous year we had mostly ewes and a few rams. It averages out in the end to about a 50/50 mix but this year was not average.