Trees in the Paddocks
Over the years, I have been attempting to establish rows of trees in my pasture. The idea being to grow forage between the rows and have trees for shade and then perhaps another revenue stream. The system is called silvopasture. Pitch X loblolly pines in my scenario are being planted and could one day provide pine straw. But, the focus of this entry is not pine straw but protecting trees from the pesky sheep.
Two methods have proven most successful. I use hi-tensile electric fence for dividing paddocks. Trees planted along the fence row are protected with stands of poly wire and two fiberglass posts. Poly wire is tied on the fence and then attached to the posts to create a "V" shape around the tree.
Another method to consider are cages. I used 2 inch by 4 inch welded wire mesh to create a 3 foot tall and 18 inch diameter or so cages. Mesh has to be small enough so sheep can not get there heads in. With sheep, at least one post, preferably two holds it in place. Posts can be almost anything on hand.
I have tried two parallel strands of electric fence, one on each side of the row. That creates a lot more fence to maintain and eventually, the sheep decided to run the fence.
This fall, I was met with one more set back. I left the sheep in a paddock a little too long. They let me know pretty soon the grass did not meet their standards. The evidence being the gnawed on trees to the left.