Sunday, January 28, 2018

Trees in the Paddocks

Over the years, I have been attempting to establish rows of trees in my pasture. The idea being to grow forage between the rows and have trees for shade and then perhaps another revenue stream. The system is called silvopasture. Pitch X loblolly pines in my scenario are being planted and could one day provide pine straw. But, the focus of this entry is not pine straw but protecting trees from the pesky sheep.

Two methods have proven most successful.  I use hi-tensile electric fence for dividing paddocks. Trees planted along the fence row are protected with stands of poly wire and two fiberglass posts. Poly wire is tied on the fence and then attached to the posts to create a "V" shape around the tree.

 Another method to consider are cages. I used 2 inch by 4 inch welded wire mesh to create a 3 foot tall and 18 inch diameter or so cages. Mesh has to be small enough so sheep can not get there heads in. With sheep, at least one post, preferably two holds it in place. Posts can be almost anything on hand.

I have tried two parallel strands of electric fence, one on each side of the row. That creates a lot more fence to maintain and eventually, the sheep decided to run the fence.

This fall, I was met with one more set back. I left the sheep in a paddock a little too long. They let me know pretty soon the grass did not meet their standards.  The evidence being the gnawed on trees to the left.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

2017 Lambing


Lambing season was interesting this year. We had a ewe late gestation with a swollen utter. It did not appear as  mastitis but we treated as such with antibiotics. Upon further discussion with some trusted sheep advisers, we considered it to be edema of the utter. Essentially, the cells in the utter retain water. The utter became over sized and the area around the teats became very puffy and swollen but the teat itself was not. A thumb test, pressing the thumb into the swollen area, would create an indentation that remained visible for a few seconds.  The other symptom was swelling of the vulva. They claim this is caused by poor nutrition but she was the only one that showed symptoms and we had not changed our feeding system  as compared to previous lambing seasons.

She lambed. First one came out breached. It was half out when I checked on the sheep in the morning. I pulled the baby and thought it was dead. I rubbed its side a bit with hay and then saw faint chest movements. Cleared out her air ways by holding her upside down and and then as she began to breath, put a piece of straw in her nose to get her to snort. She then began breathing on her own.

Next issue is she could not stand. Her legs would not support her weight. after an hour I decided to tube her to get some colostrum in her then put her in the jug under some heat. She struggled to get up. I helped her up but no luck in her standing. Her twin came along and did just fine. I had to leave for a while and she was up and moving when I came back. She was not nursing at first and took a bottle but soon decided the mom was a much better source of milk. Which is good. A shot of pen g was also administered to ward off pneumonia. Her breathing as a little raspy for a while.

Fortunately, the ewe had milk and is doing well with both lambs.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lambing Seson

Lambing season is officially over for 2015.  We began the first week of February and ended mid March.  With the small flock we like to go start to finish in 20 days. Not the case. We had two ewes that due to summer injuries we introduced to the ram late and then one ewe just lambed extra late for us.

This year we dealt with several new issues. the most stressful was a full blown prolapse. The young lady had to have a prolapse retainer and harness. This lasted several weeks.  She appeared to be ready to lamb for some time with a very swollen utter, but she took her time. Luckily, my wife was around to remove the harness when she went into labor. They say a ewe can lamb around the retainer but the preference is to remove it.

It was also the year for an abundance of rams. The final count was 21 rams to 5 ewes. One previous year we had mostly ewes and a few rams. It averages out in the end to about a 50/50 mix but this year was not average.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Feeding Hay

It is hay feeding time.  I have been supplementing with some hay but am now to the point where their primary diet is hay.  Sheep still have access to one pasture, but most everything is grazed pretty low.

My philosophy is simple when it comes to hay.  Feed to meet their protein needs. Feed mainly hay until the last month of gestation.

There is a great web site to assist with this. It is the Montana University Sheep Ration Program.   You will need to develop an account so you can login.  So far no one has contacted me or tried to sell me anything. the site provides information on the nutritional needs of sheep and a program to mix and match different feeds to meet those needs.  I keep it simple and feed good hay and meet the protein needs.

I estimate protein in the hay based on other Internet resource and the information the farmer gives me about the grass species, stage when it was cut, and the cutting itself.  You can test for these things and that would be better but I have not gone that route.

So here are some basic protein needs from the web site.  Everything listed is for a 132 pound Ewe in various stages.

  • Maintenance,  Crude Protein needs,   0.23 pounds per day
  • Mid Gestation, Crude Protein needs,   0.27 pounds per day
  • Twin Lambs Late Gestation,  Crude Protein needs, 0.45 pounds per day
  • Early Lactation Twin Lambs,  Crude Protein needs,  0.89 pounds per day  
  • Late Lactation Twin Lambs,  Crude Protein needs, 0.72 pounds per day
Some simple math: if hay is 14% crude protein and we are in mid gestation, 0.27 divided by .14= 1.9 pounds of hay. The rest can be lower grade hay or old grass still in the pasture. Late gestation with the same hay would require 3.2 pounds of hay per day per animal.  Keep in mind waste so I add 10% extra or so.  If all you have is lower grade hay, then a combination of hay and protein supplement may be needed.

As I move towards the last month of gestation and the  first weeks of lactation, I start feeding my better quality hay and then alfalfa during lactation.

Another practice I have started is bale grazing on pasture. From the past, I have a large pile of waste hay around my feeder. This will require labor at some point to gather up and use on the garden or distribute on the pasture.  By bale grazing, I take the needed amount for a days ration and toss it out on the pasture in a small area.  This area is moved around to avoid manure and waste hay build up in one spot. It distributes the waste and fertilizes the pastures for you.

Sheep munching on bales in the pasture above.


Remnants of a bale to the left.  This organic matter will be a nice addition to the pasture.
To the right is an area with no bale use at this time.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

2014 Breeding Season

Our new ram did us well with some prime examples of Katahdin rams and ewe lambs.  The kids showed several at the Midwest Preview Show in Sedalia and the 4H show at the Callaway Youth Expo.

In all, we had 30 lambs from 15 ewes.  One set of triplets and a single averaged us out to two per.

This young gent on the right has many of the traits we look for in a decent ram.  Good confirmation, growth and muscling are evident. Now that the fairs are done for us, he is available for sale.

We also have several nice ewes to choose from. Ewe lambs will be ready to introduce to the ram in late fall or spring.  We do not intend to keep any back ourselves since we have grown to a size that fits our pasture.  We even have a few older ewes to sell in order to reduce some grazing pressure.
More rams and ewes are available that are not pictured.  Give us a shout and come and see the stock.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rotational Grazing

Rotational grazing has been an intention from the start but seems slow coming. Secure boundary fences are needed first. Almost there. I have been using temporary fence. Polytwine can be easily put up and taken down but it is time consuming. This has been good as I learn the lay of the land and how best to arrange padocks. I think a plan is forming, and I am ready for some permanent fences to section the fields. These will be high tensil wire anchored to a single permanet wood post on each end with plastic/fiberglass line posts. One of these posts was planted in mid November. It has not been extremely wet here so perhaps an error to start, but I wanted to get one in the ground. First 20 inches of digging, no problem. Next 16 inches, like chiseling through rock. A very slow process, but being one to finish what I start, I persevered to a three foot depth. Post in ground, not wide enough at the bottom of the hole. Post would not go in all the way. had to pull it out and do a little bit of carving out the sides.

Now I have a post hole digger for the Ford 8N. Under such conditions it tends to stop drilling at about 18 inches. With no downward hydraulic pressure, it just spins. Being I was only doing one post, the shovel was more expedient than attaching the auger to the tractor. I did second guess this decision after I hit hard clay but I also second guessed the entire decision to dig the hold in the first place. Then I wondered why I am even raising sheep. Post in the ground and satisfaction of a job done and all is good. Sheep still have a home.

So the plan is to place fencing on all the white lines. Between the woods and the pasture, that fence is up. This will privde four padocks from 1 - 2.5 acres in size. The larger ones may still be subdivided by some temporary fence. All depends on the productivity of the field and duration of the grazing period. Hopefully, no more than five days per confined area.

The next challenge, besides putting up all the fence, getting water to all of these padocks.

In case you are wondering about the map, go to This is a great tool for mapping your property.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shiitake Experience

Two winters ago I tried my frist shiitake mushroom logs.  A friend had some left over spawn and loaned me the inoculator tool he had.  I cut down a few pole sized trees.  These were trees that were not of great quality and competing with more desirable ones. Their removal gave me both shiitake logs and more growing space for the desirable trees.  I used mainly shingle oak.

This tree rarely makes a nice log, good acorns, but I have more per acre than needed for good growing condidtions.  The logs were inoculated in February, went through a summer and should have fruited the following spring.  They did not.  But the winter prior, I inocualted another set of logs 
Then this fall, I was excitted to see mushrooms on my first set of logs. Picked two one gallon icecream pales full.

The picture is suposed to be portrait so lie on your side as you look at it. Something about this program will not allow me to import it the way it is suposed to be. Tried several times. Shiitakes on the grill with some balsamic vinegarette is prety fine. Cook them to a desired tenderness with the stems removed. My wife is not a mushroom fan and out of three kids, I have one daughter that now devoures them.

If you are interested in producing mushrooms, check out the Forest and Woodland Association of Missouri. A workshop is planned for March 1, 2014 in central Mo. Go to for details.